Where are the collapsed/folded states of lists and headings stored?

Where are the collapsed/folded states of lists and headings stored?
I was expecting to find them tucked away in the .obsidian folder, but they are not there :confused:

Context: I’m generating programmatically lots of markdown files which are better consumed folded. I wanted to collapse them programmatically prior to consumption. I’m aware of the “fold all headings and list” command, but this amounts to pushing the problem on the end users. Also aware of the “Creases” plugin, but it does not seem to be able to preemptively specify a default folded/unfolded state (and anyway, I’d rather have 1 less plugin).


I would like to know that, too. Especially since it feels like folding state doesnt always get preserved - and it definitely doesn’t sync across devices.
I know you said you don’t want a plugin, but there’s also “Remember file state”.
And Creases does have a setting to always open notes with creases folded.


Another +1 for this one. I’m getting in to programmatically adding events and notes captured elsewhere to my daily note, and my latest wild amazing idea would really benefit from being able to insert folded sections.

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