When Will The Obsidian Sync 10gb Size Limitation Be Expanded?

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Use case or problem

Vault size limitations does not enable me to use Obsidian the way I would most like it to be used, seeing as there is a limit for 10gb of sync, when using Obsidian’s native sync option.

Proposed solution

Add more tiers of Obsidian sync plans e.g. 10gb (default) → 30 gb → 50gb → 100gb

Current workaround

pCloud optimally, or alternatively Onedrive, DropBox, iCloud could be used as a replacement. This would however mean that you would not be able to sync to your apple mobile devices. My workplace only provides apple devices for use, and as such, I need to utilize them.

We strongly recommend you to search the forum with possible keywords before making a new feature request. If your request is very similar to an existing one, consider liking it and/or making a comment rather than making a new one.