What's the best practice for merging two notes?

Of possible relevance to future readers of this thread, I found another post in this forum about doing global find & replace on your Obsidian vault — which could help in the task of unifying links (until a ‘merge notes’ feature comes along).

To paraphrase @akaalias’s technique for the present use case:

  • Install Atom from https://atom.io/
  • Open vault directory in Atom
  • Use “Find” → “Find in Project”
  • Find all “[[verde]]” to replace with “[[green]]”
  • Replace all
  • Find all “[[verde|” to replace with “[[green|”
  • Replace all

To also replace all unlinked mentions of “verde”, you could Replace All “verde” with “green” instead.

There are other text editors out there that do global find/replace for a folder of files. BBEdit for instance.