What defines the overall size of the hover page preview?

With the recent page preview option, targeted by .popover.hover-popover, what sets the size of it?

In my case it’s just too narrow, and I would like to widen it.

I naively tried to do:

.popover.hover-popover {
 min-width: 80em

And it widened the surrounding box, but not all of the content… Bummer.

These are the default variables. They work for adjusting the overall size of the popover and the content is sized accordingly.

  /* Popovers - file previews */
  --popover-width: 450px;
  --popover-height: 400px;
  --popover-max-height: 95vh;
  --popover-pdf-width: 450px;
  --popover-pdf-height: 400px;
  --popover-font-size: var(--font-text-size);


body {
  --popover-width: 80em;

It looks like it’s the default rule here:

.popover.hover-popover > * {
  width: var(--popover-width);

that’s preventing the content from expanding to the box size using your original snippet.

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