What I’m trying to do
I have been using Vim motions and also some Vim commands, especially substitution using :%s/.../.../g
It seems that some features of Vim are not supported, though.
For example, normally you can use escaped parentheses to capture some characters, and re-use them with the \1
But Obsidian does not treat the escaped parentheses as capture groups.
If you try this:
it does not treat \1
as a special syntax referring to whatever .
matched. It just substitutes all characters with literally ‘\1y
So it seems like capture groups aren’t supported in whatever version of Vim functionalities Obsidian is using.
Why is this? Is there a specific name for the subset of Vim functionalities Obsidian uses? Is there any other way to do this in Obsidian, or a different Vim syntax?
Things I have tried
I’ve also tried using the \v
flag to avoid the need for escaping, but it doesn’t change the fact that \1
isnt even recognized as a special substitution character.