Weekly notes review – show specific notes only

What I’m trying to do

i’m creating a note template for weekly notes where i want to list the books and articles i read in said week.

Things I have tried

first, i tried to get this information by way of using the creation date of my literature note. this worked just fine:

WHERE econtains(type, "literature")
WHERE date(file.cdate).year = date(this.file.cday).year
WHERE date(file.cdate).weekyear = date(this.file.cday).weekyear

but there’s a missmatch of the creation date of the note and the day i read the book/article, therefore i added another parameter to the front matter:

reading-date: 30-08-2022

now, i don’t now how to make the dataview search work with this adaption. that’s why i’m reaching out to the community. may i ask you to be patient as i’m new to obsidian and not familiar with JS.


  • How to transform the value of the reading-date field into the format like yyyy-MM-dd?
  • How to design a weekly note?
    • DQL10_Q1 : via this.file.cday (PS. I have never created the weekly notes later.)
    • DQL10_Q2 : via this.startDateOfWeek like “2022-09-19”
    • DQL10_Q3 : via this.yyyy_WW like “2022W38”
    • DQL10_Q4 : via this.file.name like “2022W38”


  • dataview: v0.5.46



the current weekly note

  • filename : 2022W38 // DQL10_Q4 used
  • this.file.cday = date(“2022-09-21”) // DQL10_Q1 used
  • The YAML field startDateOfWeek(or endDateOfWeek) is used by the DQL10_Q2.
  • The YAML field yyyy_WW is used by the DQL10_Q3.
yyyy_WW : 2022_38
startDateOfWeek : 2022-09-19
endDateOfWeek   : 2022-09-25

### DQL10

dictionary files

  • Location: “100_Project/02_dataview/Q15_Reading/Q15_test_data”

folder: 03

  • filename : dic_19960301
Date: 1996-03-01
type: literature
reading-date: 31-03-2022
date_format : dd-MM-yyyy

folder: 04

  • filename : dic_19960401
Date: 1996-04-01
type: literature
reading-date: 20-09-2022
date_format : dd-MM-yyyy

folder: 05

  • filename : dic_19960501
Date: 1996-05-01
type: literature
reading-date: 21-09-2022
date_format : dd-MM-yyyy

folder: 08_wrong_month

  • filename : dic_19960801
Date: 1996-08-01
type: literature
reading-date: 30-76-2022
date_format : dd-MM-yyyy



Main DQL

Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
DQL10_transform_reading-date_into_yyyy-MM-dd reading-date:
a string like dd-MM-yyyy
no 1.To filter by reading-date
2.To define a field variable s_rDate by using FLATTEN
3.To transform the value of reading-date into yyyy-MM-dd
4.To filter by date(s_rDate)
5.To display the result as a table
ONLY for reading-date field where the value is like dd-MM-yyyy



Q1: What is the same code to get the daily notes for a specific week compared with this.file.cday? (PS. I always create weekly notes on time.)

Original Example10
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE date(s_rDate).year = this.file.cday.year
WHERE date(s_rDate).weekyear = this.file.cday.weekyear


Another Example11
  • WW: ISO week number, padded to 2
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = dateformat(this.file.cday , "yyyy_WW")

Q2: How to modify the following code to get the daily notes for a specific week compared with this.startDateOfWeek like “2022-09-19”? (PS. Sometimes I create the weekly notes later.)

Original Example20: To be modified
  • filename : 2022W38 // the current weekly note
startDateOfWeek : 2022-09-19
endDateOfWeek   : 2022-09-25
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = dateformat(this.file.cday , "yyyy_WW")


Another Example21
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = dateformat(this.startDateOfWeek , "yyyy_WW")


WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = dateformat(this.endDateOfWeek , "yyyy_WW")

Q3: How to modify the following code to get the daily notes for a specific week compared with this.yyyy_WW like “2022_38”? (PS. Sometimes I create the weekly notes later.)

Original Example30: To be modified
  • filename : 2022W38 // the current weekly note
yyyy_WW : 2022_38
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = dateformat(this.file.cday , "yyyy_WW")


Another Example31
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = this.yyyy_WW

Q4: How to modify the following code to get the daily notes for a specific week compared with this.file.name like “2022W38”? (PS. Sometimes I create the weekly notes later.)

Original Example40: To be modified
  • filename : 2022W38 // the current weekly note
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE date(s_rDate).year = this.file.cday.year
WHERE date(s_rDate).weekyear = this.file.cday.weekyear


Another Example41
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE dateformat(date(s_rDate), "yyyy_WW") = replace(this.file.name, "W", "_")


WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE date(s_rDate).year = number(split(this.file.name, "W")[0])
WHERE date(s_rDate).weekyear = number(split(this.file.name, "W")[1])

Code DQL10_transform_reading-date_into_yyyy-MM-dd

title: DQL10_transform_reading-date_into_yyyy-MM-dd =>ONLY for `reading-date` field where the value is like dd-MM-yyyy 1.To filter by `reading-date` 2.To define a field variable `s_rDate` by using `FLATTEN` 3.To transform the value of `reading-date` into yyyy-MM-dd 4.To filter by `date(s_rDate)` 5.To display the result as a table
collapse: close
      file.link AS "File",
      s_rDate AS "s_rDate",
      date(this.file.cday).weekyear AS "this_weekyear",
      date(s_rDate).weekyear AS "weekyear"

FROM "100_Project/02_dataview/Q15_Reading/Q15_test_data"
WHERE econtains(type, "literature")
WHERE reading-date != null

FLATTEN regexreplace(reading-date, "^(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})$", "$3-$2-$1") AS s_rDate

WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE date(s_rDate).year = this.file.cday.year
WHERE date(s_rDate).weekyear = this.file.cday.weekyear





Q88_Links: Regular Expressions

luxon Formatting

great, this helps!
i further adapted the code so that the weekyear is not extracted from the creation date, but from the file name because sometimes i create the weekly notes later.

my version is this:

FROM "3_knowledge-base"
WHERE econtains(type, "literature")
WHERE reading-date != null
FLATTEN regexreplace(reading-date, "^(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})$", "$3-$2-$1") AS s_rDate
WHERE date(s_rDate) != null
WHERE date(s_rDate).year = this.file.cday.year
WHERE date(s_rDate).weekyear = number(split(this.file.name, "W")[1])

this works perfectly!

i also tried to use the same method for extracting the year from the filename, but for some reason this didn’t work. (run by itself it returns “2022” as the above function. any idea why id doesn’t work when implemented in the dataview code?

WHERE date(s_rDate).year = number(split(this.file.name, "-",1))
1 Like

Inline DQL exercises:

aResult11 = `=split("2022-09-19", "-",1)`//=>2022

sResult13 = `=typeof(split("2022-09-19", "-",1))`//=>array

nResult21 = `=number(split("2022-09-19", "-",1)[0])`//=>2022

sResult23 = `=typeof(number(split("2022-09-19", "-",1)[0]))`//=>number

To modify:


Wrong example:

WHERE date(s_rDate).year = number(split(this.file.name, "-",1))

Correct example:

WHERE date(s_rDate).year = number(split(this.file.name, "-",1)[0])


WHERE date(s_rDate).year = number(split(this.file.name, "-")[0])

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