Weave - A new vault template for the corporate world!

Hello all!

I created a new Vault Template (not sure if this is even the right word) to try and help people looking into kick starting their Obsidian Journey.

Weave is a highly opinionated Obsidian vault template for Software Developers/Managers to get you productive fast. Heavy focus on bringing order out of chaos in the corporate world. Track your meetings, applications, contacts, and tasks and draw connections between all of them.

I’d love to get any sort of feedback / suggestion on making this system better.

cuken/obsidian-weave: Obsidian Vault Template for Software Developers/Managers working in the corporate world. (github.com)

So far I’ve only received one feature request, and we reworked the “Application” section of the system to help accommodate for a larger scope than I initially considered.

I hope this helps someone and would love to see it evolve to better aid more folks outside of myself.

Stay productive!