Vault-internal-Changelog: A view for "Changes made to vault over time"

Use case or problem

I like the “Recent File Plugin” which helps me get back to recent work quicker, but oftentimes I’d love to have a little more context. What did I do in the file?
On top of that I’d love to have a nice overview over all my changes in my vault over time as this would allow some sort of “time travel” through the development of my vault - when did I do what?

Proposed solution

I would love to have a neat view of all the “changes” I made to my vault over time! This could be kind of like a “changelog” for my personal vault. Ideally this would present me all the edits/newly created notes etc. in an organized and structured manner (timeline-view? Github-style-table? etc.)

Anyone else interested in a feature like that? Or is it already possible to get a similar experience through plugins?