Variable are not working

Things I have tried

What I have tried is to turn off all community plugins. I tried turning off and on various core plugins like templates. I have made a template folder and have made a few test templates. Using the templater format like <% tp.file.title %> works but was hoping to just use the {{title}} format for simplicity. For the {{date}} I have tried just that and also {{date: YYYY-MM-DD}} and omitted the space like {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}. I have tried opening new templates with these I have tried switching in and out of read mode manually. I just seem to be missing something.

What I’m trying to do

I am trying to simply use the standard variables that I read about in Obsidian help Templates, {{title}} to insert the file name without the extension and {{date}} to insert the current date. There was another post {{date}} and {{title}} not working that had this same problem and it doesn’t look like there was a solution posted other than the one by qbt which did not work for me.

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