Vanishing note content

What I’m trying to do
Content consistently vanishes from an open note every 30 seconds to a minute, pressing cmd-z restores the content, but it’s unnerving. Could someone tell me where this could come from ?

I’m using the macos version 1.7.5

Things I’ve tried

No matter what you put into a note?
Or only specific content?


Stored in iCloud with the option to optimize storage turned on?

No matter

How can I see this ?

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On Sequoia you need to go into System settings > click on the menu at the top with your account/profile picture > iCloud > Under “Saved to iCloud”, click on Drive.

It should open a modal in which you should be able to see if Optimize Mac Storage in On or not :blush:

Although, if it’s On and you’re on Sequoia, you could try to enable the Keep downloaded feature on the Obsidian iCloud Drive folder :woman_shrugging:

If your vault is stored locally on your Mac, this might not help with the issue you’re currently facing though …


My vault is stored in my icloud but there’s no “keep downloaded” feature to click on.
I’m on Sonoma 14.6.1

Yeah, I think that was released on Mac with Sequoia (MacOS 15+) only :no_mouth:

You could go into Finder and download the whole Obsidian folder to see if it helps or try to make some space locally on your hard drive for your whole iCloud Drive folder and disable the option Optimize Mac Storage (if it’s currently enabled) :no_mouth:

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Thanks, omg this worked :slight_smile:

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