UUID for note links in URL scheme

One more use case to prove this idea may be valuable

Obsidian is great tool for knowledge management and researches.
With combination of Management tools (like Trello, Asana, notion) it can great power to rule the life on another level.

In order to do that it need to have ability to link Obsidian pages (or even nodes) in management tools.
Currently there is a way to copy link to the document and it will look like this:


One important problem with this approach that if vault or file is renamed there is no way to find it.

Obsidian allow easy create and rethink concepts so files could be renamed quite often.

With this in mind those link might not scale withing a time.
And in a long lasting usage in tasks management apps will lose those life saving links to data and recourses.

I was thinking about a way how to solve it.

I’m not sure atm if I should Make a feature request for it or try to make it work with plug-in.
Please check the idea and tell me which way to go.

Idea is here:

Add to vault, folders and files names unique UUID that will unique identify it but exclude them in editor.

So the vault/folder/name will look like on HDD:

Awesome vault-8d244168-9982-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003
  |> Some note-90a8285e-9982-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003.md
  |> Amazing folder-93f81190-9982-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003
      |> Really cool note-96a1da98-9982-11eb-a8b3-0242ac130003.md

But in Obsidian will see those (and link) like.

Awesome vault
  |> Some note
  |> Amazing folder
      |> Really cool note

And all back-links will not include UUID’s
(that probably could be dome by simple regexp).

And in addition update links to use those:


And update link handler to use UUID to search by both by Filename and UUID at the same time (when UUID’s feature enabled)


  • Looking by both filename and UUID from link at the same time gives many opportunistic
    • Old links will be still relevant
    • if user remove UUID’s from filename new links will work by Filename
    • If original file is renamed there still UUID that will match so link is valid much longer
    • adding UUID’s can be done gradually at the time when User copy link
  • If we don’t show UUID’s in the interface so user don’t get mess in names
  • It won’t Don’t mess file order both in editor and file system
  • Can be reverted by simple script in (PowerShell, bash, etc) if needed.


  • File names in file-system will look a messy
    • But if User use them mostly in Obsidian it’s no that matter
  • Links in GDrive/Dropbox will be broken in case of removing/adding UUID’s
  • Maybe some tweaks for publisher required

I came from Dynalist and links there were helping me many times. This it only thing that prevent me from using Obsidian atm. But Obsidian looks so cool to use.

Please help me to chose path in which to go:

  1. Create a feature request to implement this as a Code plug-in
  2. Create a own plug-in that will implement this
  3. Create a own plug-in and later that could be merged into Obsidian as Core plug-in

Which option should I chose?