UUID for note links in URL scheme

I second this request. Currently, I try very hard to never move an Obsidian .md file, but it’s frustrating to not be able to reorganize as my Vault grows. I’m a big Hook user.


Use case or problem

Obsidian has an internal link looks like obsidian://open?vault=Test&file=Text.
It is not a good idea to made links name-dependent because:
Page can be with typo
Page can be renamed

In this case we can’t get access to page from another program and inside links that was made in plugins (like Katex).

Proposed solution

Solution 1. Create a link with note hash that will be permanent and use a table hash - name. Once name will be changed nothing happened.
Solution 2. Find and replace all text in all notes - find: obsidian://old_name – replace: obsidian://new_name.

Current workaround

Find and replace text in 3d party program.

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Asked by @moberaptor to create a plugin that will create and open UID notes by UID.
Currently, it only opens notes by UID. In the future would like the ability to generate those UID for your notes.

Now I think what I can allow open any note using any frontmatter field(s) and not only id


Hi!.. what would be convenient UUID schemes to our notes, looking into publishing them in the WWW in the future?

I didn’t use the plugin since i can not find it from the community list.

Imho the note’s id should be auto generated, unique, and implemented in frontmatter as discussed.

But may I suggest to use nano-id instead of uuid?

And i also like the idea of using note’s id for the url of notes in Obsidian Publish beside of obsidian-uri. This will make the url of notes unaffected by the change of note’s name

I just ran into this issue when trying to store Obsidian URLs in my task manager, and I immediately realized that would be extremely fragile, especially for work in progress that’s likely to be refactored (files moved, renamed, etc.). Obsidian should store a UUID in YAML frontmatter and use that ID for the URL. Glad to see it’s already being discussed.


I think what you are looking for is the Advanced-URI plugin. It supports adding the uid field automatically.


Hi! I am using Advanced-URI as you suggested. Thanks.

Is there a way to copy the UUID in YAML with a keyboard shortcut ?

I also pose this question in How to set a shortcut to copy the value of a specific key in YAML front matter?

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It would be nice to have external links that magically work everywhere and don’t rely on any app-specific functionality but I feel we are looking for a complex solution for a rather simple problem here.

There is an easy 100% bulletproof way to refer an Obsidian note in any app or even on a piece of paper. It worked for original author of Zettelkasten and it works even better with computers we have nowadays. It does not depend on any databases, URI schemas or paths.

All you need is a unique ID anywhere in your note. You use it in a plain textual form anywhere you want to “link” to that particular note. Then you use search to find it. It’s only marginally more cumbersome than a link but it’s infinitely more reliable and future-proof. It can be automated to some extent too.

Personally, I use a YYYYMMDDHHmmss ID in my YAML frontmatter. When I see such an ID in another app, a click to select it and 1-2 shortcuts take me to an open Obsidian app that has already found a note I wanted to see. Works on my tablet and phone as well, although with slightly different mechanics of course. And if I give up Obsidian, none of those connections will be lost and searching will remain just as easy.


I agree with you, I use an approach absolutely similar to your one

I put it the UUUID of the exactly the same format in the main body the main body, Then , if I refactor I put a new UUID just above the spot the text I am moving and then again at the top of the piece moved itself. The Moved text will get its own UUID when formed but have an imbedded reference to the original text (and even located to where it was in original. Not enough experience to know if this extra step is really useful but it should provide a useful 'return to source" if I ever want to cite the document for external use or to go back to it again myself).

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Your approach shows how flexible really simple solutions can be. Sounds like you are using those strings of digits as markers / bookmarks rather than IDs, which should still keep such “links” relatively reliable when referring notes from outside. You are just sacrificing a bit of speed but gaining extra context when searching.

Personally, I prefer to rely on standard wiki-links to keep traces of refactoring within my Obsidian vault. Refactoring is always a dangerous moment regardless of the linking mechanism in use as it’s meaning that’s getting shifted around. I find that most references I make from outside are either ephemeral (tasks in task manager for example that will be closed in a matter of days, so I may even use obsidian://links for those) or they are links to notes with relatively “fixed” meaning: project hubs, lists, literature/reference notes for particular sources, howto’s for particular problems etc. I may move things around and add content in those notes but their general meaning remains the same. When I feel I’m stepping into a dangerous territory, I may do a system-wide search to see what I was linking to and why, pick refactoring strategy accordingly or adjust those links.

As for IDs, I prefer to keep them a 1-time instance in my system so they are actually unique and there is no ambiguity when searching. It ensures a direct 1 to 1 link when referring from outside. I also keep them in a fixed place in a fixed format for the ease of programmatic access in case I need it.

I don’t see why bookmark and ID approaches can’t be used simultaneously though. It would only take adding something extra to the main permanent ID to make a search for it unique. uid:20200529153042 or L_20200529153042would only return one result but 20200529153042 markers would then return both the original note and all the references to it within the vault.


any resolution to this yet?

Yes. Use Obsidian Advanced URI. It supports ID’ing and external linking of files by UID.


Could somebody please advise me how to actually use UUIDs with the the above mentioned plugin? I can get it to work without the UUIDs (eg obsidian://advanced-uri?filepath=Home%20Index%2Ftoday creates and opens a new note).

Do I need to generate the UUIDs myself or can this plugin do it for me? How do I specify the UUID so the plugin knows where to look for it - is there a format or does it need to be as a part of the filename etc?

The command I use is Ctrl/Cmd-P, “Copy URI For Current File”

That will automatically add the uid field to the note’s yaml frontmatter and copy a link like this to your clipboard in one action.


There are some other advanced URI commands, but I use that one the most.

The docs are a little thin on details, but worth a look.


can you not just set a hotkey for the command in the settings under Hotkeys?

To expand slightly on Val’s “put IDs in body and search for them” method (UUID for note links in URL scheme - #34 by Val & UUID for note links in URL scheme - #38 by Val), Obsidian URLs have a search action you could use with unique in-body IDs instead of using the open action with the note’s name.

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Use case or problem

I want to be able to link blocks with unique ids. obsidian blocks do not have unique ids

This means that the block cannot be moved between different files, and once it is moved, all links to the block will break

Because whether the link comes with ob or is generated by the Advanced URI, the link of the block is based on the body of the file

As A result, a block cannot be moved from document A to document B during information reconstruction without all related links breaking

Blocks cannot flow smoothly between documents, so it is necessary to ensure that all blocks are established in a document in a library at the beginning

This link structure makes it difficult to reconstruct later notes

Proposed solution

Make links based on unique ids, not based on libraries and files as upper-level paths

For example, obsidian://open? vault= block ID

Instead of obsidian://open? vault= library name &file= folder name %2F File name

Also non-obsidian ://advanced-uri? vault= library name &block= block ID&uid= file ID



Allows files and nodes to have a unified ID


The smallest unit of information can be a block

The file is just a bigger block

Files and blocks should have a completely uniform form of ID

This makes it easy to reconstruct the information and let all the information flow between files

A file can also be a child block of another file