So after playing around Obsidian, I learned how links and nodes work in the Graph View tab. What I found was that the nodes sizes are weighed by the number of files tagged instead of the number of tags itself.
So if I tag File1 in File2 more than 1 time, the File1 node does not get bigger. How do I change the way the nodes are weighed in the Graph View?
To be more specific, I’m trying to map out how characters interact in each episode of a show. I started by making a file for each character and tagging other characters they meet in each episode. But it didn’t take long for me to realize that Obsidian does not count the number of tags.
I tried searching stuff up and came across plugins like Dataview, Juggl, Excalidraw, and Templater etc. And also something about javascript as well. I do not know how to use these to execute what I want.
I would appreciate it a lot if someone were to help me.