Upper- or lower-case alias selection when referencing a document with an internal link

This is loosely related to the request to make automatic YAML upper- / lower-case aliases for a note, but what I would like is probably rather easy to accomplish as a baseline feature of Obsidian. Really, it’s more of a segue.

Let’s say there’s a document, “House Tasks - Home”, which I use to reference my home in my notes. It has aliases of “House” (first letter upper-case), and “house” (first letter lower-case).

You can see in the image below that when I type “house”, a lower-case word, Obsidian offers the upper-case “House” alias as the first menu item even though the exact thing I’m typing is [[hou.


Would it be difficult to sort that suggestion list by the case of the letter a person is typing instead of sorting it upper-case first?

If I were typing [[H to reference a document alias starting with ‘H’, I would expect the first suggestion to be the upper-case alias. If I type [[h to reference a document with an alias starting ‘h’, I expect the lower-case alias to be the first suggestion.

As-is, I have to type a bit of what I want and either mouse click the lower-case alias or hit the down arrow on my keyboard, then ENTER to select the correct alias.

(Especially as a vim user, I really would prefer to keep my fingers as close to the home keys (asdf, jkl;) as possible.)

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I found that it’s true the lower-case will come up so long as it’s the first one referenced as an alias. The exception is when the filename is upper-case (which is how I keep mine), in which case the filename will display first on the choice list. The above case is that of the source document having “House” listed as an alias before “house”.

Everything appears to be working as normal and I had a misunderstanding. (current version on my laptop is 1.8.4)