Two tiny (and obvious) search hacks

I thought I would share - starred two searches recently, which come very handy:

  1. "" search returns ‘all recently modified notes’ if you set ‘modified (new to old)’ order (no space needed between " & ")

  2. "[ ]" shows all not completed tasks, sorted as you wish (again, ‘modified (new to old)’ seems most useful), context aware, ie. tasks sitting where they were created, in context

If you are willing to embrace a little bit more of chaos then usually, this seems… fun, as opposed to moving uncompleted tasks from note to note (as time passes), creating huge lists of tasks, sorting them and so on.

I am trying to use only Obsidian + physical calendar now, so I am willing to experiment.
Okay, I am still using mind maps, too. I am kinda playful with my workflows since I migrated to Obsidian few weeks ago.

Spice up with #tags and path: to your liking. :slight_smile:


another easy way to see all recently modified notes is by using quick switcher (Ctrl+O). But we only get top 10 files instead of the full list of files using the search command.