What I’m trying to do
I’m trying to make some links based of the existing entries in my journal folder using Templater and its user scripts functionality. i keep getting the following popup message: " Default export is not a function."
Things I have tried
i have tried to explicitly export my function and just plainly instert it into the template to no avail.
async function getJournalLinks() {
const files = this.app.vault.getMarkdownFiles().filter(file => file.path.startsWith('Personal/Journal/'));
console.log("Filtered files count: ", files.length); // Log how many files were filtered
// Fetch metadata and store it properly with each file
const filesWithMetadata = await Promise.all(files.map(async file => {
const metadata = await this.app.vault.readStat(file.path);
return { file, metadata }; // Return an object containing both the file and its metadata
// Sort files based on the mtime found in metadata
filesWithMetadata.sort((a, b) => a.metadata.stat.mtime - b.metadata.stat.mtime);
// Extract the sorted files from the metadata wrapper
const sortedFiles = filesWithMetadata.map(fwm => fwm.file);
console.log("Sorted files: ", sortedFiles.map(f => f.path)); // Log sorted file paths
// Find the index of the current file in the sorted array
const currentFilePath = this.app.workspace.getActiveFile().path;
const currentIndex = sortedFiles.findIndex(file => file.path === currentFilePath);
console.log("Current file path: ", currentFilePath); // Log the current file path
console.log("Current file index: ", currentIndex); // Log the index of current file
const previousFile = currentIndex > 0 ? sortedFiles[currentIndex - 1] : null;
const nextFile = currentIndex < sortedFiles.length - 1 ? sortedFiles[currentIndex + 1] : null;
console.log("Previous file: ", previousFile ? previousFile.path : "None"); // Log previous file path
console.log("Next file: ", nextFile ? nextFile.path : "None"); // Log next file path
return {
prevLink: previousFile ? `[[${previousFile.basename}|← Previous Journal]]` : '← Previous Journal (None)',
nextLink: nextFile ? `[[${nextFile.basename}|Next Journal →]]` : 'Next Journal (None)'