'Translucent window' setting results in increasingly laggy window drag movements as mouse polling frequency increases

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Obsidian.
  2. Enable the ‘Translucent window’ plugin. (The ‘Translucent window’ plugin is now a setting in the Appearance tab.)
  3. Set your mouse polling frequency to any value above 100 Hz (100 Hz may still introduce lag, but it isn’t perceptible to my eye on a 144 Hz display). (However, as others have pointed out in the comments, the polling frequency of your mouse may have no impact at all on the presence or perceptibility of the issue.)
  4. Drag the window around the screen.

Expected result

After carrying out the steps listed above, I expect to be able to move, or drag the window around the display area without any lag, however this is currently not the case.

Actual result

Instead of being able to move the window around the display surface without any lag, the translucent window moves very slowly along a path defined by the drag event.

Once a drag event has been started, the window will follow the position of the mouse from the origin of the drag event (the position where the left mouse button was first clicked) to the end of the event (the position where the left mouse button was let up). During this time, the mouse becomes free to use normally as the window completes the drag event, meaning other areas of the screen can be selected. Text input is also available while the drag event completes, meaning it’s possible to continue editing a note within Obsidian while the Obsidian window moves around the screen.

Decreasing the mouse polling frequency seems to remedy the issue in a linear fashion. When the mouse polling frequency is set to 100 Hz, the lag is imperceptible, and drag events appear as they do with an opaque window. As the frequency is increased, so does the lag.

The issue isn’t apparent with other applications that feature a similar translucency effect, such as Windows Terminal.


  • Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 2004 19041.508
  • Obsidian version: 0.9.2

Additional information

A video of the laggy dragging:


For clarity: the issue is happening (for me) on an RTX 2080, driver version 460.79 and below.

Update - 9th Feb 2021

The issue is still occuring in Obsidian 0.10.13 on the latest NVIDIA drivers.


Thank you. This is probably a problem with upstream electron.

I use the latest version。 Also have the problem!

I like this model.
please repair it quickly.

when we release the public version, download and reinstall obsidian from the installer and let me know if you still have this bug.

fixed in 0.9.17 with new installer.

I just started using Translucent mode on my personal computer and encounter the same issue.
It was working fine on my workplace computer.

My installer version is v0.9.20.

what is your os version and GPU?

This is my windows os version and GPU

It’s possible that is a combination of electron/gpu/os version

操作系统: Windows 10 Home edition 20h2 19042.662
Obsidian version: 0.9.20

What’s you GPU?


I can’t reproduce it. Perhaps, it’s GPU problem.
Not sure if you can force Obs to run on 620 or on 250 to see if it makes any difference.

Don’t have any effect, I have tried, it is the software itself

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Same problem with Obsidian v0.10.1
Nvidia 2070 Super
Windows 10 Education Edition

I’ve got the same problem on a 2017 MacBook Pro.


Same Problem.
Obsidian 0.10.1
ASUS Predator, Windows 10, Graphics: NVidia 1050Ti

Hi all,

I am having the same problem: with Radeon RX5500 and intel -i5-10500 on Windows 10, Home.

So far I have been using Obsidian only with Linux Machines, and have never had an issue. even now, when I don’t have a similar issue with my laptops with Nvidia GPU and an old laptop with Intel HD graphics.

in fact, I am getting the tearing/lagging when resizing not only when the transparent mode is on, but also when it is off (but in a lesser extent).

As a side note, I am having similar problems with other electron apps, such as Notion or ClicUp

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Disabling the native transparency in Windows resolved the lag for me (without actually removing translucency from Obsidian). Having to choose one or the other is obviously not ideal, but it’s at least a workaround and is indicative of what the cause might be. (probably some buggy interaction between native transparency and whatever Obsidian/Electron is doing)

Adjusting the polling rate (1000->125hz) had some effect, but remained very laggy for me. (on a 60 hz monitor) I did some benchmarking and found that a 5 second move took approximately 60s at 1000hz, 40s at 500hz, 20s at 250hz and 10s at 125hz respectively.

Obsidian 0.10.7
GTX 770
Windows 10 Pro N 20H2


Same here, using Obsidian 0.10.11 & Windows 20H2.
This may help with this, and maybe someone can make this a plugin.

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