Touble Creating Table Of Summaries


What I’m trying to do

I have been summarizing scientific articles in obsidian using a simple template. This template has several markdown sections, such as #Meta Data, ## Key Figures and Tables, and ## Summary. I would like to produce a table that contains the article name and summary for each article.

Things I have tried

Using dataviewer I have tried to construct a query that accomplishes this:

table as Article, regexmatch(“## Summary\n(.*)”, this.file.content) as Summary
from “Paper Summaries/Articles”
where regexmatch(“## Summary”, this.file.content)

But I return no results.

from “Paper Summaries/Articles”

Provides the list of my articles, but the additional regex matching produces no results. I can’t seem to get this portion to work. Can someone point me in the right direction?


I have found a solution to my problem. This dataviewerjs worked for what I needed:

// Specify the folder containing the notes
let folderPath = "Paper Summaries/Articles";

// Fetch all notes from the specified folder
let pages = dv.pages(`"${folderPath}"`);

// Check if any notes are found
if (pages.length === 0) {
    dv.paragraph(`No notes found in folder: ${folderPath}.`);
} else {
    // Loop through each note to find the "## Summary" section
    for (let page of pages) {
        // Load the content of the note
        let content = await;

        // Check if "## Summary" exists in the content
        let summaryRegex = /## Summary\s+([\s\S]*?)(?=\n## |\n---|\n*$)/; // Regex to match the content under "## Summary"
        let match = content.match(summaryRegex);

        // If a match is found, display the summary content
        if (match && match[1]) {
            dv.header(4, `Summary from ${}`); // Create a subheading for the summary
            dv.paragraph(match[1].trim()); // Display the captured content
        } else {
            dv.paragraph(`No summary found in ${}.`);