Todo list items aren't aligned well when line breaks


Can we have these aligned?



Longer than a month ago @DanielFlaum attempted to address the same issue using CSS. But no luck.

Yeah, the text-indents are calculated dynamically and injected into the html as inline style. The problem seems to be that the space between the [ ] and the following text is included as part of the aligned section but it should be part of the todo box, therefore we have that little gap.

<pre class=" HyperMD-list-line HyperMD-list-line-1 CodeMirror-line " 
style="text-indent: -45.625px;padding-left: 49.625px;">
<span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;">

I’m also seeing the same issue.

This is really bothering me. And the [ ] is not related. It will not aligned even without it.
Compare it with dynalist. In dynalist, both preview and edit mode has aligned text.

this is fixed in live preview