Theme: Spectrum > Spectrum Companion Plugin in the making!

The Spectrum Theme is now officially part of the Community Themes! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:



Well done. I’m very happy about this. Turned it on on 9th Feb, haven’t turned it off yet!

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Changelog v0.12.0

You can create Wannabe Kanban Boards!

All you have to do is to name the note kanban inside your YAML, like so:

cssclass: kanban

Then inside your markdown you have to create an unordered list, where the top level list items the boards are, and the subtasks the tasks of that board. Like so:

- top level board
  - a task
  - another task
  - another task
- another top level board
  - with a task
    - this task also has subtasks!
    - subtask
  - task
- third board
  - with only one task

Here is a gif presentation. Also note, that I use their Core Plugin for folding.


Here is a better gif presentation of the kanban:


Changelog v0.13.00

Your images will now float in your text if you want!

This is how to achieve this. You can choose that it floats left or right.


Using either of those will make it float in the desired direction. But if your image is bigger than your note, don’t forget to give it a new width, like 300 or something. You can paste the image where ever you want inside the text, be it at the top of a paragraph or right in the centre of it, both works.

This is the image above, but in Edit Mode:

An important thing to remember. The HTML does not update live with the Alt Attribute, so you will have to switch notes to see the changes.

Using Wikilinks also works, see here:


An issue was reported from Mac users. The Open and Closed Folder Unicode Icon is not supported. A fix is being worked on, I’ll have to create my own Icon for this.

In the meantime, if you want to get rid of the box, you can use this snippet to remove it. But don’t forget to remove it, once the fix is live! .nav-folder-title .nav-folder-title-content::before,
.nav-folder .nav-folder-title .nav-folder-title-content::before {
  content: "";

FIX v0.13.3

  • The Folder Icons have been fixed, Mac users were not able to see those Unicode Characters
    • They’re now uniquely designed icons for Spectrum!
  • The Codeblocks used to place the after content to the wrong position, this has been fixed.
  • Embed Images from within the vault ![[image.png]] created a border around them, due to the same naming convention as embed notes. This has been removed for images.
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Great theme! I love it, especially Kanban board functionality.!

The only things I would like to slightly adjust is colour of www links, sometimes is hard to read them from a distance

Also t the results of a query, red highlight around the white letters isn’t optimal

I could try to add my custom CSS to change it, but maybe is worth to discuss it here.

This is only a suggestion, if this is by design not by overlooking please feel free do dismiss it.

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Regarding the URLs, when choosing the colour the hindsight of it was, that it should not distract from the flow of reading when you write your links [like so](with some long URL here), and it is easier to jump to the next word.
I’ll have a look if I can adjust the colour of standalone URLs.

The Query highlight is still from legacy Spectrum, which has not been fixed! I’ll get around to it.

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Would people be interested in that for Spectrum? Specific content, like tables or mermaid, would be wider than the paragraphs.

The table you see is also a work in progress for this matrix. :slight_smile:


Yes, this type of Eisenhower Matrix is something I like!
About links: even using the same “colour” but lets say 10% brighter (this could be set by experiment) could help
My biggest problem with readability is when I have several links posted line by line, sometimes I put them together for future reference

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How do you all like this type of Matrix? With the four rectangulars having a different colour.


Changelog v0.14.2


  • The Kanban Board
    • It now looks prettier and has the Card look
    • Checkboxes are now supported for the Kanban

  • Checklists
    • Sub Checkboxes now have different colours, going down to level 7


NEW :sparkles:

The Eisenhower Matrix!

You can now create the Eisenhower Matrix, which is a square divided into four more squares, it denotes Least Urgent to Most Urgent and Least Important to Most Important. And here’s how to use it:

First, you have to include the new CSS Class matrix in your frontmatter.

cssclass: [matrix]

You’ll need Information on the four sections. You can either create a new note for each section or have them inside the same note. What is important is, that you have them separated by a heading!

## To-Do

- [ ] task
- [x] task
- [ ] task

## Doing

- [ ] task
- [ ] task
- [ ] task

## Considering

- [ ] task
- [x] task
- [ ] task

## Maybe
- [x] task
  - [ ] sub
  - [x] sub

Then you’re ready to create the Matrix. Write a table that has four cells for you to use, the table header can be empty or filled. Inside your cells, you’ll have to embed the sections, it would look like this:

|                   |             |
| ----------------- | ----------- |
| ![[#To-Do]]       | ![[#Doing]] |
| ![[#Considering]] | ![[#Maybe]] |

And your final result will be this:

Do you have questions about the new release? Hit me up!


I’m looking forward to using the matrix! This is a very interesting theme!

Thanks a ton! Feedback is always welcome. :blush:

Changelog 0.15.2


The Preview now has a width of 100%! Anything that isn’t part of readable text, like lists, checklists, paragraphs, etc., will take 100% width of the page. Currently, the following are supported:

  • Kanban Board
  • Table
  • Mermaid


  • The Kanban Board now wraps, when there are too many boards in a row.

Some Screenshots

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I just noticed it (redownloaded theme) youtoube link in iframe is aligned to the left intead of being centered, I turned off all the plugins

I have two vaults, one with older version and one with latest, the older was ok until I updated


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thanks for telling me, I’ll make a fix to it.

I’ve added two issues, one for the link which was mentioned some time ago and one for the iframe. If anything is missing, feel free to create an issue on github! :slight_smile:

Issues · Braweria/Spectrum · GitHub

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:slight_smile: I stole the semantic commits idea inspired from your repo

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Ha! Nice. :smiley: I also started to use wip as a prefix, to show “hey, I am working on this feature, but it is not finished.”

Changelog 0.15.3 and 0.15.4


  • iframes are now centred
  • Links will no longer be hard to see if they’re standalone.
