Theme: obsidian_ia / Another iA Writer inspired theme

The theme is already available in Obsidian itself. You can install it via the Theme panel. Just make sure that you have the fonts available in your system. If you think the contrast is too low somewhere, just get back here and I’ll show you, how to change this.

Have fun.


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This is great – thank you so much. I noticed some odd line height issues with H2 text followed by a list:

In preview, the spacing after H1, H2 and H3 text are inconsistent. Curious if others see the same.


Quick question: I have all the fonts installed and they show up in the system font list (both static and variable), but in the theme it only uses the Quattro font in preview, not the mono font when editing.

I read through the thread but didn’t see anyone mention it so I’m guessing it’s something I’ve got set wrong on my machine. Anyone have any suggestions?

I have the same issue. IA fonts are used in everything but the editor. Any ideas why?

Screenshot of same:

Thank you so much for your work and contribution, @rcvd.

Always loved the look of iA Writer so was happy to come across this theme. I’m running it on my iPad and can’t seem to get it to recognise the iA fonts I’ve installed as profiles in settings. What am I missing or does this theme not work on mobile yet? Thanks.

I’m not sure how, but the font issue (not displaying in the editor) has disappeared.

On a different note, you’ve done a fantastic job on this theme. It’s a big factor in me preferring Obsidian over Roam and helping me switch. Thank you.

Had the same issue, basically solved by manually setting iAWritterQuattro as the default interface font on settings > appearance > font.

Hope it helps!