Theme: obsidian_ia / Another iA Writer inspired theme

Here is the GitHub repo. Thanks in advance.

Use the static fonts for Quattro and Mono and install the latest update of the css file - I added the static fonts as a fallback font.

awesome thanks @rcvd

Fixed color in file selection dialog for selected items to enhance readability. Update in latest commit.

Great theme! I like how clean it is and have been using it for a couple of days now.

One thing I noticed is that when I hover over the “Unlink pane” button, it doesn’t highlight and show which panes are linked (like markdown editor & preview) while the default theme has that behavior. This feature is very handy to me since I usually have a stack of panes in Andy mode. I hope it could be an easy fix!

Fixed the color bug described by @ncmd. Thanks for spotting this. Please check if it works for you now.

Yep it works, thanks!

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@rcvd Love this theme! Now when I switch between iA Writer and Obsidian they look like part of the same system.

Wish I had noticed this theme sooner. Thanks for doing this!

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I’ve heavily reworked this theme to fix a few annoying things (e.g. too low contrast in menus etc.). I also did a lot to as closely imitate the look of iA Writers Preview as possible. Please report any issues you may find here or at GitHub. Thanks in advance.


@rcvd Noticing a small visual issue when hovering in the pane dropdown menu. Looks to be the background of the icon spilling below and to the side. (v0.8.10)

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Should be fixed in the latest commit. Something has been changed with the icon positioning in the latest version and I haven’t updated yet.

@all: Can anyone with an older version confirm that hovering the menu still looks good?


:white_check_mark: Fixed

Thank you!

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@rcvd In preview mode, bullet points are not showing with a solid dot, instead with a dashed line. Is there any workaround for that?

The caret icon for folding headers is appearing on top of the headings.

CleanShot 2020-08-31 at 20.56.54@2x

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Also is it just me or there a visual regression with Preview mode. It looks like Edit mode css without the markdown syntax. Card preview is still using the Preview CSS.

As always @rcvd, I’m grateful for your work on this theme. Hope this helps.

Edit Mode

Preview Mode

Card Preview

Put this at the bottom of the css file:

.markdown-preview-view ul {
    list-style-type: disc;

If you want a empty circle use circle instead disc. The original iA Quattro Theme uses dashes therefore I went with them.

I tried to mimic the iA Writer Quattro theme as close as possible (e.g. all Headings are sized equal). The Preview is using different css part which I forgot until now :slight_smile:

Would you prefer having the links in blue or the heading in different sizes?

Here is the comparison between this theme (left) and iA Writers Quattro (right) them:

I can’t reproduce this error, do you use any other modifications?

Strange. I toggled the plugin and it fixed it. :man_shrugging:

Hihi, this sounds a bit like…“Have you tried rebooting the system”…