The whole editor page is shaking while typing

We strongly recommend you to search the forum with possible keywords before submitting a new bug report. Please also try your repro steps with third-party plugins and custom CSS disabled and see if it’s still reproducible. If it’s an issue with third-party plugins or themes, try contacting the author for help. Once you’ve done the above, delete this line.

Steps to reproduce

  1. open any notes in my folder…
  2. toggle the edit mode
  3. try to type in something…

Expected result

the page remains stable while typing…

Actual result

the while editor page shakes once as i type in any single letter


  • Operating system: Windows 10
  • Obsidian version: v0.12.12

Additional information

i record the video here……

Post a screen recording of this happening in the help vault …

hmm i tried in help doc but it doesn’t happen = =
so i trim the previous doc making it short and being less format (bold italic etc.) and it disappears too……

If it does happen in the help vault… it’s probably a problem with a custom theme or a third party plugin…

I think so,

yet, i tried in different themes yesterday it always remains.

but not I don’t have that file anymore , maybe next time it occurs i could tried under safe mode to check if it’s due to some plugins .

anyway thank you for the commments ~~