Afaik that one isn’t supported by the obsidian dev team themselves. Overall that one is a GPU driver issue with pixiejs, which is used to render the graph view.
If you’re curious about the rabbit hole that sent me to you can read here.
To see if your base reason is something similar, you could try opening the application and pressing CTRL + SHIFT + I to open the browser console (obsidian is in the end just an electron app, so basically it runs in a browser and hides the browser) and open the graph view.
Chances are high you’ll see some error about pixiejs being unable to initialize or sth.
Happened to me on arch as well.
Regardless of what it is though, the solution is to just jump to something that is actually supported by the obsidian dev team. That is on Arch either the AppImage, or the Flatpak (though that is “only” community maintained so AppImage is the most likely to be the most stable offering there).
Also if you’re on gnome and AppImages are meh because they don’t show up well in the app-launcher view of gnome, here’s a short guide for setting an AppImage up so that it shows up there.