Obsidian supports the following property types:
[Text][List][Number][Checkbox][Date][Date & time]
When I create a template like this:
[!abstract] {{title}}
And use a plugin that can scrape information from websites, for example, to identify the “Director” field, because “Director” is a list property, it will cause the table I produce to become messy starting from the “Director” section. For instance, here is the recognized table:
坪田文 |
| 标签 | |
You can see that there is a “-” symbol in front of the recognized text for the “Director” position. Due to the incorrect format, it causes my table to break apart starting from this point, which is not what I want.
What do you use to produce the table? Which plugin does that?
If you’re using Dataview, you need to use FLATTEN on a list element to make them appear as single element. This will also duplicate the other elements.
Another option, could be to join the elements of the list into a single text. Like “a, b, c”. This again depends on what you’ve used to produce your table.
I didn’t use DataView actually. I just used a plugin called “Douban”, which fetches search information from the Douban website and imports the data into the template I’ve written. The issue is that list property information can’t be fully imported into the table, causing the table to become messy. (Do you understand what I mean?)
Here is the template I’ve written; you can take a look:
In fact, when I import data into this template, the table within the template becomes disordered because “director” is a list property, and it starts to mess up my table right from there.
If you’re using obsidian-douban plugin I’d suggest posting an issue on their github page. Link can be found from the info page on the plugin.
You might also successfully read more of the manual (which are in chinese?) and see if they mention anything on list properties and how to handle these. Maybe some of the information related to tags could be useful, since that is also a list property.
It do seem like the solution would be to get the template to join the values of the list into a single value.