Templates for New Notes

First, Obsidian needs to decide whether the Zettelkasten-workaround for creating a new note automatically filled with a template should remain the main or an interim solution. Considering the philosophy behind obsidian, I think repurposing [[create new Zettelkasten note function|something]] is worse than referring to the [[create new Zettelkasten note function|same idea]] on different occasions. :slight_smile:

Secondly, I think that (when not trying to memorize) repetition should be automated. Therefore, please give us the option to assign a hotkey to an individual template.

The template feature is incredibly helpful already. However, right now, it’s quite ironic that everytime you want to use a template - which you created to avoid repetition - you have to choose it on the list… everytime …


+1 Please get this implemented :pray:

Adding templates manually takes forever.

Add option to set template rules by folder