That’s odd, a link to the Safari connector takes up the right half of this page: Zotero | Downloads
You can manually add a Zotero entry easily by clicking the “(+)” icon in the toolbar. Artwork is under the “More” menu in it.
BBT is a Zotero plugin that adds the citation key field, producing the unique identifier described previously. You can configure it to generate the identifier based on a lot of different fields in various ways. BBT is designed to support citations and bibliography generation in LaTeX documents but I don’t use it for that, I use it solely for the cite key support so I can use Alfred integration to hook between it and Obsidian.
Dataview is a plugin in Obsidian that provides a SQL-ish syntax for querying files using the YML front matter fields you define in those files.
Front matter: YAML front matter
Dataview plugin:
- readme: GitHub - blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview: A complex query language implementation for the Obsidian note-taking tool.
- syntax reference: Document
- community examples: Dataview plugin snippet showcase