Hello community,
I thought it is easy, but I learned, it’s not. Maybe my fault.
I use a template for daily notes.
My setting for daily notes:
Date format: YYYY/MM/YYYY-MM-DD
New file location: _Journal
Template file location: _Template/DailyNotes
Installed community plugins: Tasks and Dataview.
On my template note I have following:
> [!info] Open
> ```tasks
> Not done
> ```
Very simple, but “the problem” is I got a link visible after the due date:
Now I found out following:
> [!info] Open
> ```dataview
> Task
> From "_Journal"
> Where completed = false
> Sort completion desc
> ```
This looks like I want to have it:
But with dataview it is just a “view”.
With tasks I have the possibiltiy to change the dates.
Any idea how I can correct the code for tasks?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,