Tags to properties

What I’m trying to do

I imported a bunch of notes from Evernote*. Where nested Tags where the way to go.
As the approach for tags is a bit different in Obsidian, I would like to convert some tags (not all!) into properties. Is there a built in way - or a solution with VS Code (find & replace)?

Things I have tried

I tried to find the tags with VS Code, but I’m unable to perform a change on them.
I tried to find all tags within obsidian and apply a property to it - but there is no built in way to do so (apply changes to a list of search results)

Just one use case example:

  • I have a Evernote Tag: “company/healthcare/name-of-the-company”
  • I want to convert it into a property: "Company: “[[Name of the Company]]”

* Evernote where able to use tags with a space, which is not possible in Obsidian e.g. (“my tag” instead of “my-tag”

You could try with the community plugin Linter (direct link to install: obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-linter) and set tags to ignore. I don’t know how many tags this would involve in your case, but it’s a solid tool to convert formatting of markdown notes.

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