Tags in YAML Frontmatter not appearing when I search Tags

Things I have tried

I’ve only just began to use YAML.


Title: Boxing Day 2021
Tags: #morningpages #todo
Created: 2022-01-26
Updated: 2022-01-26
Ratings: ★★★☆☆

however, when I search in for tags “tag:morningpages” on the left sidebar, this particular not does not appear.

It only appears if I had the tag #morningpages appear outside of the Frontmatter/YAML.

What I’m trying to do

Is it possible to search via tags and the note to appear if I have the tag in YAML front matter?

Thanks for any help in this.



when putting tags in YAML front matter you should not put the # infront and separate tags by comma (ie. s/b morningpages, todo)


That works now… But the only trouble is, without hitting the hashtag key, I can’t get it to autofill to see pre-existing tags without YAML.

I’m also having this trouble but it’s with both tags and aliases. I have tried the following formats and neither tags nor aliases are recognized. The YAML is displaying properly in edit and preview mode.

tags: piggy

- piggy

tags: [piggy]

- alias1

aliases: alias1, alias2

aliases: [alias1]

Any ideas?

There’s a new plugin Completr that will help u give tags suggestion in yaml.


Can u share a screenshot side by side editing view and reading view. Ur syntax should be fine

SUPER! I’m trying it out now. It doesn’t seem to give me a suggestions of my existing tags though…

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