Table Uncompleted Task

Good evening,

I need a dataview/dataviewjs statement for my tasks,
I want all uncompleted Tasks in a table from files with specific tags. I want that all the Tasks are orderd by their due and have a link to the file.
I found the following code somewhere in the forum, but i cant filter the completed.

table without ID
regexreplace(Tasks.text, "\[.*$", "") AS Task,
Tasks.due AS "Due Date", AS "File" 
from #daily or #project/activ or #subject/activ 

WHERE file.tasks
FLATTEN file.tasks AS Tasks 
sort Tasks.due ASC

I guess you use regexreplace(Tasks.text, "\[.*$", "") to hide the inline field “due”.
Well, to filter out the completed tasks use this:

  regexreplace(Tasks.text, "\[.*$", "") AS Task,
  Tasks.due AS "Due Date", AS "File"
FROM #daily OR #project/activ OR #subject/activ 
WHERE file.tasks
FLATTEN file.tasks AS Tasks
WHERE !Tasks.completed
sort Tasks.due ASC

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