Sync won't... sync on mobile

Things I have tried

This is regarding the official sync from Obsidian. I basically just paid and activated it. Worked great for the first hours until I closed the app and opened it again. Now it won’t sync.

This is what the sync log says :point_down:

2022-07-11 09:44 - Server pushed [NAME] (says this about 15 times) then …
2022-07-11 09:44 - Connection successful. Detecting changes…
2022-07-11 09:44 - Downloading file [file name…]
2022-07-11 09:44 - FILE_NOTCREATED
Repeat ad infinitum …

What I’m trying to do

This is the second time it happened. The first time I just cancelled the subscription because I didn’t use it as much. I have tried reinstalling the app, creating a new vault etc. Doesn’t work when I restart the app.

I have no idea what to do and I couldn’t find an official e-mail to get help. I have no idea how to use discord so I’ll try my best here. Thanks for all help!

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