Sync to private webdav server, owncloud or nextcloud services

Please include the option to sync with private webdav servers and / or owncloud/nextcloud services!
Thank you very much


should this be in feature requests?

With nextcloud/ownCloud all you need to do is put your vault in the folder that is being synced. I’m not sure if I understand what you’re asking. I moved this to #help in the meantime.

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This is something that will be useful when a mobile obsidian app will become in place, moreover sync service is something that allows parallel access to the same files from different devices.
Hopefully this will explain what I mean with webdav sync
best regards


This already exists – it’s how I do things. My Nextcloud file system is mounted as part of my regular file system, and my obsidian vault is in that file system, so it gets synced everywhere along with everything else I have in Nextcloud. I’m running Nextcloud on a Digital Ocean server and it syncs everything between my laptop, phone, iPad, etc. Nextcloud is integrated into the iOS files app, so I can view Obsidian files there (and also in apps that fully support the files app – but here you’ll find some inconsistencies).


webdav +1