Sum values from table with two columns

I have data in the following format in a single note:


  • Size:: Project1 - 300


  • Size:: Project2 - 200
  • Size:: Project3 - 291


  • Size:: Project4 - 288
  • Size:: Project5 - 392
  • Size:: Project6 - 164

I’m trying to get a table that lists the projects and the numbers after the dashes and finally as the last row, the total of the numbers after the dashes. The following works if the project headings don’t have any numbers in them, but unfortunately they can be quite complex and contain a mixture of numbers and characters.

TABLE WITHOUT ID split(Size, " - ")[0] AS Project, choice(contains(Size, "TOTAL"), "**" + sum(number(this.Size)), number(split(Size, " - ")[1])) AS Size
FROM "Notes"

TOTAL: =round(sum(number(this.Size)), 2)

Any ideas?

Alternative solutions to creata a table with e.g. two columns that can sum the numbers in a column are welcome, preferably without the advanced tables plugin.

I have seen the snippet for sum here

This is a variant of summing an arbitrary column which have been answered some times lately in this forum. See thread below for a comprehensive alternative list to this issue:

This variant doesn’t have a pure query to get the needed value, so in order to address the issue of matching against your particular setup I opted for using split() with a regex delimiter, where it stores the alternatives. This resulted in the following base query:

  TABLE WITHOUT ID proj[1] as Project, proj[2] as "Some number"
  FLATTEN file.lists as item
  WHERE item.Size
  FLATTEN list(split(item.Size, "^(.*?) - ([^-]+)$")) as proj
  WHERE file = this.file

The regex used splits the value into two segments, one everything else except the last dash followed by a text with no dashes (aka the number at the end). These two matching groups are stored into proj, where proj[0] is everything, proj[1] is the project name and proj[2] is the number.

Combined into a dataviewjs where the last part is more or less boilerplate from the thread above:


const result = await dv.query(`
  TABLE WITHOUT ID proj[1] as Project, proj[2] as "Some number"
  FLATTEN file.lists as item
  WHERE item.Size
  FLATTEN list(split(item.Size, "^(.*?) - ([^-]+)$")) as proj
  WHERE file = this.file


if ( result.successful ) {
  const values = result.value.values
  // Find the sum of all
  const sum = => parseInt(m[1])).reduce((a,c) => a + c, 0)
  result.value.values.push(["<span style='float: right; font-weight: 750'>Total</span>", sum])
  dv.table(result.value.headers, result.value.values)
} else
  dv.paragraph("~~~~\n" + result.error + "\n~~~~")

Which based on (almost) your example set returns:

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