String parsing from url using web clipper

Is there a way to change the note name to 003001002014 from the url
I tried this in the note name field in the web clipper template but it didn’t work
{{url | match "/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)$" | format "000%s000%s000%s000%s"}}

Also can the webclipper read the source and extract an audio URL?

From where did you get the match and format syntax?

Would it be an option for you to use regex? I’m thinking you should be able to replace any one digit, with 00 + digit, any two digit numbers with 0 + the digits, and just leave those with three digits. Then in a secondary step, you could move the numbers out of the “/” structure, and concatenate into a single string.

Not sure how to write it within web clipper though, as I don’t use that, and don’t which syntax it uses (or where the match and format syntax are described).