Sticky the Current Heading at top (or highlight it in the outline)

A cool feature would be - to prominently display the Current Heading you are reading:

For example:

You are reading a section with the Heading “New Ideas”:

  • “New Ideas” is highlighted in the outline, or
  • “New Ideas” is shown at the top of the window (stickied).

This would tell you, at all times, what section you are reading (so you don’t get lost in a sea of text.)

[Note: I searched, and found no solution for this]


I definitely agree. Here is a very similar feature request: Outliner sync with note while scrolling

It asks for the Outline item heading to be in bold rather than highlighted, but is otherwise right in line with this request.


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Yes, that would be a good solution (highlighting the currently viewed Heading in outliner).

Last night, I made a very basic “Header Display” (with javascript):

  • As you scroll Down a note, a new “Header Title” box displays the current section you’re reading.

Here is a screenshot (a note called ‘Coder’, a Header called ‘Past Code Challenges’):

The code is below (in the next post).

  • It works well for notes with long sections (such as book chapters).

  • It’s still rudimentary and unpolished.

What it does:

  • checks whether a long-section’s Header has scrolled above 30% to the viewport-top (and also checks the area above the viewport).

  • performs that check every 1000ms.

  • automatically stops that check when Obsidian is unfocused (if you switch applications), and resumes when Obsidian is refocused.

A Needed Improvement:

  • It works when scrolling Down a document, but does NOT work when scrolling Up a document.

  • This is because Obsidian uses a “dynamic DOM” to render only the CodeMirror-lines which are in the viewport and just above and below it.

  • That means - if you scroll Upwards into a long section, the upstream Header will not yet be loaded in the DOM (so there is no way to reach up and ‘grab’ it (until it’s almost in view)).

  • This can be observed in dev-tools, in the div called “CodeMirror-sizer”, specifically its first child, whose “top” property changes as you scroll up and down (thus dynamically loading/unloading the CodeMirror-lines of a long Note).

QUESTION: Is there a known method for ‘targeting’ elements which are above / below the dynamic-DOM?

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That pastebin link expired, so I’ll post the javascript code for the basic Header Display here:


let docTitle = document.getElementsByClassName("view-header-title")[0];

//create Header Display box
let hDisplay = document.createElement("span");
hDisplay.className = "hDisplay";

let look = window.innerHeight * 0.3;
// console.log(look);

let prevTitle = "";

// start the check if obsidian is in focus
window.addEventListener("focus", function (event) {
	console.log("has focus");

	const timeBoss = setInterval(titleCheck, 1000);

	// get last header in rendered DOM, get scroll position relative to viewport
	function titleCheck() {
		let hTarget = document.querySelectorAll(".cm-header-1");
		let len = hTarget.length;
		let lastTarget = len < 1 ? "" : hTarget[len - 1];

		const { top: t } = lastTarget.getBoundingClientRect();

		let hTitle = lastTarget.innerHTML;

		// if it's a new header, and it's above 30% from top of viewport, update Header Display
		if (
			hTitle &&
			typeof hTitle !== "undefined" &&
			hTitle !== prevTitle &&
			t < look
		) {
			prevTitle = hTitle;
			hDisplay.innerHTML = "    -  " + hTitle + "  -    ";

	// stop the check if Obsidian is unfocused
	window.addEventListener("blur", function (event) {
		console.log("lost focus");

I used the “JavaScript Init” plugin to add it to Obsidian.

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“Highlight” is covered by this older request: Core Outline Plugin: highlight location of cursor/view

Arguably this thread could be merged into that one (and maybe someone else will do that) but for now I guess the “sticky” part of the request is distinct enough.