Starred plug-in has gone away!

What I’m trying to do

I am new for Obsidian and start to use Obsidian (V1.2.7) with a very good beginning. I have marked several notes with starred function. But yesterday when i ran Obsidian, the starred function disappeared from left side bar. There is a notice popped up. It reads “Plugin no longer active. The plugin that created this view (starred) has gone away.”

Things I have tried

I didn’t uninstall this plungin, nor delete it. I re-installed Obsidian (V1.2.7). The problem is still there.
How can i get back this starred plugin?

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The Starred Plug-in has been replaced by the Bookmarks plugin which has many more features and is a much better experience. You will find your starred notes in the Bookmarks plugin.

Always check the release notes to be up to date.

Here’s an overview of what you can do with Bookmarks:


Thanks for yr help @Olondre. yes I am using bookmarks now.

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