Source map trimming in dev builds

Obsidian 1.7.1 started to trim source maps always, while in previous Obsidian versions, source maps were preserved if localStorage.getItem("debug-plugin") is set.

Now the plugin developers don’t have an option to enable source maps which will heavily worsen the developer experience.

Please consider adding a flag for developers to keep the source maps during plugin development.


The change only affects plugins installed via the community directory. Source maps are stripped during the installation phase.

Source maps are not stripped if you manually download/install the plugin from the repo.

@WhiteNoise I am sorry but your statement is incorrect

Ok, thank you.

We will rework the way that flag works in a future release.

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It still trims out the source maps in v1.7.2

I am sorry I wasn’t clear enough. By feature release I did not mean to imply the next release. This will be worked on at some point in the future.

debug-plugin was not disclosed in the developer docs.

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a debugMode flag will be added in v1.7.5


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