Some Lucide icons not showing up

What I’m trying to do

Hi! I’ve been trying to create personalized callouts for my vault and I’m struggling with what is, apparently, some miscommunication between Obsidian and Lucide.

This is the code I’m using:

.callout[data-callout=“npc”] {
–callout-color: 180, 180, 0;
–callout-icon: message-square;

And it works fine. So it’s not a problem with the code. But if I change it to:

.callout[data-callout=“npc”] {
–callout-color: 180, 180, 0;
–callout-icon: message-square-more;

Then the icon won’t appear.

Among the things I tried are:

  • Using the SVG code: The icon shows up, but it’s solid.
  • Inserting lucide- before the icon name: no change.

I’m up for suggestions at this point. Really don’t know what to do anymore.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Hi, as newbie to Obsidian myself I ran into the same issue recently. Now here’s the why:
As far as I can see, the Lucide icon message-square-more is from Lucide v0.295.0
Obsidian updates Lucide icons periodically with the actual used version being v0.268.0


Oh, so that explains why I’m experiencing this problem. So the actual solution is sit down and wait for the next update, then.

Thanks for your help, Mephi! I’ll keep using the older icons while the dev team work on this! :slight_smile:

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