Smart Typography replacement?

I’ve been using the Smart Typography plugin for a while, or at least trying to, because some bugs make it pretty much unusable for me. I’ve submitted a bug report, but the plugin hasn’t been updated in ages, so I’m not holding out hope.

With that being said, are there any replacements for it? Or am I doomed to ugly typography forever?

I use the Typing Transformer plugin instead. I can set thousands of rules myself and not limit myself to a few options.


Oh that’s great. Looks like a good solution for me. Thanks.
Do you maybe have some rules you could share?

I was thinking of making a Showcase post but it would entail a lot of explanation. Just populate the rules as you go along. Copy your personal profile to global rules as well because the plugin has a way of reverting back to global from time to time.
Use a character in your triggers that doesn’t usually start words in your language; if it’s English, maybe Z (I prefer a capital letter). I am using Y, which I think still works for people writing in English or bilingually, but will be slightly out of reach on EN/US keyboards.

Some examples:

'--|' -> '–|'
'–-|' -> '—|'
'-–|' -> '—|'
'<<|' -> '«|'
'>>|' -> '»|'
'<-|' -> '←|'
'->| ' -> '→|'
'<==|' -> '⇐|'
'==>|' -> '⇒|'
'1/2|' -> '½|'
'1/3|' -> '⅓|'
'1/4|' -> '¼|'
'3/4|' -> '¾|'
'1/10|' -> '⅒|'
'1/5|' -> '⅕|'
'2/3|' -> '⅔|'
'4/5|' -> '⅘|'
'/=|' -> '≠|'
'=/|' -> '≠|'
'+-|' -> '±|'
'-+|' -> '±|'

(The first plus-minus example is already rendered out in markdown reading view; but you get the idea. You enter a plus and a minus sign one after another or the other way around.)

# Diacritics with variants (delete out unwanted elements when triggered)
'Yavar|' -> 'áăặǎâấầẩäǟȧǡạȁàảȃāąẚåǻḁãå̄|'
'Ybvar|' -> 'ḅḇƀᵬᶀƁɓƂ|'
'YBvar|' -> 'ḂḃḄḆɃ|'
'Ycvar|' -> 'çčĉćḉċc̄c̅ȼ|'
'YCvar|' -> 'ÇČĈĆḈĊC̄C̅Ȼ|'
'Ydvar|' -> 'ďđḋḍḏḑḓɖɗð|'
'YDvar|' -> 'ĎĐḊḌḎḐḒƉƊÐ|'
'Yevar|' -> 'ēééěěèèȅêęęëėẹẽĕȇȩę̋ḕḗḙḛḝė̄ê̄ê̌|'
'YEvar|' -> 'ĒÉĚÈÊĘËĖẸẼḖ|'
'Yfvar|' -> 'ḟƒ|'
'YFvar|' -> 'ḞƑ|'
'Ygvar|' -> 'ǵġĝǧğģǥg̃|'
'YGvar|' -> 'ǴĠĜǦĞĢǤ₲|'
'Yhvar|' -> 'ȟĥħḩḫẖḣḥḧƕⱨ|'
'YHvar|' -> 'ȞĤĦḨḪḢḤḦǶⱧ|'
'Yivar|' -> 'ıīi̅íǐĭìîįį́ïḯɨ|'
'YIvar|' -> 'ĪI̅ÍǏĬÌÎİĮÏḮƗ|'
'Yjvar|' -> 'ĵ|'
'YJvar|' -> 'ĴJ̃|'
'Ykvar|' -> 'ķǩḱḳḵƙⱪ|'
'YKvar|' -> 'ĶǨḰḲḴƘ₭|'
'Ylvar|' -> 'ĺḹl̅ḷľŁłȽƚl̥|'
'YLvar|' -> 'ĹḸL̅Ḷ|'
'Ymvar|' -> 'ḿṁṃm̀ᵯm̂m̄m̌ɱ|'
'Ynvar|' -> 'ñńņňɲŋƞǹȵɳṅṇn̄ṉṋn̓|'
'YNvar|' -> 'ÑŃ|'
'Yovar|' -> 'ōō̂ṓóǒòôöõőøǫǫ́ȱṏȯo|'
'Ypvar|' -> 'ƥṕṗp̄|'
'Yrvar|' -> 'ŕřȑȓɼɽɾṙṛṝṟr̃|'
'YRvar|' -> 'Ř|'
'Ysvar|' -> 'şŝșṩṥṡṧšśṣ|'
'YSvar|' -> 'ŞŜṨṤṠṦŠŚ|'
'Ytvar|' -> 'ƫțţʈŧťṫṭ̄tẗṯ|'
'YTvar|' -> 'ȚŢƮŦŤṪṬṮ|'
'Yuvar|' -> 'ūúǔùŭûüůųũűȕṳṵṷṹṻ|'
'Yvvar|' -> 'ṽṿv̇v̅|'
'YVvar|' -> 'ṾṼV̇ꝞV̅|'
'Ywvar|' -> 'ẃẁŵẘẅẇẉʍʷʬ|'
'YWvar|' -> 'ẂẀŴẄẆẈ|'
'Yxvar|' -> 'ẍẋᶍx̂x̄x̱|'
'YXvar|' -> 'ẌẊX̂X̄X̲|'
'Yyvar|' -> 'ỳýÿȳƴẏȳɏŷ|'
'YYvar|' -> 'ỲÝŸȲƳẎȲɎŶ¥|'
'Yzvar|' -> 'žżẓźẕẑʐʑȥƶ|'
'YZvar|' -> 'ŽŻẒẔẐŹƵ|'

# Callout with embedded blockquotes example
'Ycall1|' -> '> [! Chooseyourowntitle]\n> #### Chooseyourownsubheading:  \nArgumenter1:  \n>> Arg1-Text...  \n> \n Argumenter2:  \n>> Arg2-Text  \n> \n>- Optional remark with dash/list|'

`\n` means new line

If you are using different Obsidian folders (.mobile, .pc), just copy the plugin’s data.json file across your devices to have the rules at hand everywhere.


When you find an answer to be a solution, please tick it off as “solution”.


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I just realize the apostrophes look funny in my post. All apostrophes in the rules must be straight ones (SHIFT+1). That’s how the plugin accepts it.
I should have made a GitHub file with raw view, but now it’s too late – apologies.

Maybe a MOD could go into my post and put all in code blocks, please?

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This is perfect. Really appreciate the help here.

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