Hi there, you can find these in Obsidian’s settings under Plugin options > Smart Typography
I don’t know how I missed that! Thank you
No iOS support
Extremely useful plugin - thank you very much, I use it all the time.
Was wondering if it’d be possible to expand the features of the plugin to include customizable symbols. For instance, I would like to use the “therefore” symbol (“∴”) but don’t know of a hotkey or command feature able to input it seamlessly. If it’d be possible to include a feature into the plugin that would allow users to create customizable automatic changes that would be amazing! If you know of any other way to do so that would also be helpful.
Thank you!
Has anyone besides me had trouble with smart quotes not working suddenly after updating to Obsidian Version 1.0.3 (Installer 1.0.3)?
be sure the plug in is updated, and any themes you have
I love you! <3 This was my main annoyance with Obsidian
This plugin should totally become a core plugin. It’s a major functionality for the editor.
Has anyone found a way to do this yet without using LaTeX?
Is there a way for your plugin to make all quotes curly quotes work for the title of the note? (like the name/descriptor of the note). Everytime I press double quote button to add the name of the note, it comes out as straight quotes, so I’m currently have to manually copy and paste curly quotes from the document into the note title.
All the best,