SLOW search, yet FAST Quick Switcher for LARGE vault. Why?

Today I found time to have a go at my pool of community plugins. I started out on Windows and copied what was working into a new .linux folder.

  • Basically two things necessitate different folders for WIndows and Linux installations: hotkeys and the Another Quick Switcher plugin (you need to specify the folder where you installed ripgrep, although actually you can access the Windows partition from Linux).

I tested at least 10 times startup and running regex searches straight after startup while having Omnisearch doing its thing loading/updating cache in the beginning. I enabled and disabled plugins while looking at Omnisearch and the time it takes to do its thing. I used this plugin to help with benchmarking, so to speak.

I deemed the following plugins to be likely to cause issues (freezing or some slowness) (at least for my iPad/ Windows/Linux installations – apologies to the devs for the bad rep):

  • Tag Folder;
  • Advanced Tables;
  • File Tree Alternative;
  • Quiet Outline.
    (I also experienced some lag with other plugins, but as I was hauling files around, Windows Defender kicked in so I had to take into consideration other factors as well.)

As I said, in the meantime, I reenabled Omnisearch which takes much less time now at startup and consecutive searches are lightning fast.

Using the Uri Commands, Advanced URI plugins and Commander macros in conjunction, I also made some on-demand shortcuts, which means some plugins are only enabled while used, then after a delay they are automatically disabled.

  • Thought about writing it up but you get the idea.

Now both my Windows and Linux installations feel snappier. I also uninstalled and disabled other plugins.

As a genenal rule, one can make fresh starts by going into About and Override config folder. Then quit Obsidian, throw your absolute must plugins in the new dot folder you specified and chances are you can have a faster vault, after your virus checker has done its thing.

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