Simple RSS issues - media:content url attribute

As I dont seem to be able to edit/update the original post (???), here’s the code Im currently using in the template. The hello h1 is only there to test the html parsing. Note the img src for &feed.webfeeds:icon, this works fine. So Im trying to use that with the media:content.url. This is not working - it returns nothing.

"template": "<h1>Hello</h1>\n<img src=\"{{&feed.webfeeds:icon}}\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" />\n{{&item.guid}}\n{{&item.pubDate}}\n{{&item.description}}\n{{&item.categories}}\n\n<img src=\"{{&}}\">"

In the specified item types for the custom feed type im currently using this, all other item types work, only ["media:content", "url"] does not. Its probably not correct to use square brackets, or to use the url specifically, but Ive tried it multiple times as only "media:content"

      "item": [
        ["media:content", "url"],