Siblings notes using Dataview

Things I have tried

I’ve tried this, but no result:

siblings:: `$= dv.pages().where (p => p.up == dv.current().up & != dv.current()`

and this LIST WHERE up = this.up works fine but it’s not an inline DQL.

What I’m trying to do

Hi, I’m trying to view siblings notes that have the same parent in the current note using inline Dataview.

Lack of information: are values in up links?

One extra observation:

  • if you use as a value an inline query, take in consideration that the value is the query expression, not the results produced by the query after the render/run.

Yes, the value (up) is a link, and I don’t use inline query as a value for siblings

In js side, if a link you need to work in different way. I’m not versed in js, but I guess you can use something like this:

`$= dv.pages().where(p => p.up?.path == dv.current().up.path && != dv.current()`
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This is an inline query as a value for siblings:: field!

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