Show folder hierarchy of files in linked mentions/backlinks

Presently, linked mentions are shown in sidebar. While that is good, I would prefer if they are available as part of notes, maybe as a separate heading with hierarchy based on the path of file.

Eg. of how it should look like

  • Folder
    • Folder
      • Filename
    • Folder
      • Filename

Is this the sort of thing you’re hoping for? Move backlinks from sidepanel into the document section (as in Roam)

I cannot test them since they require 0.9.7.

But from the screenshots, they just list out backlinks and there is no hierarchy in that.

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Ah, cool. I understand. I will retitle the topic to be more specific, feel free to edit further!

Such “filtered file Explorer” could then be visualized using this method:

whether in sidebar, separate pane or under file content.