"Show backlinks at the bottom of notes" no longer works?

I created a fresh vault to test backlinks (with no community plugins) and I cannot get backlinks to display at the bottom of my page anymore. (I have the display-at-bottom option selected.)

Backlinks are still displaying fine on the right sidebar.

Is this a recent bug? (I have Version 1.7.4)

Wow, hours later and it appears fixed in today’s 1.7.5 update. :+1: (though no mention in release notes :woman_shrugging:)

Cool! Thanks Obsidian :hugs:

Still not able to retain backlink sort order (after all these years?)…

I don’t think this was broken. Seems to be working fine for me in 1.7.4. But glad it’s working properly for you now.
Next time, please follow the bug report template. Thanks!

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