Sharing linked thinking on the web: methods for helping readers follow along

You can use dataview plugin to generate a note with recent modified notes listed.

Install the plugin and insert this snippet in a note:

SORT file.mtime desc

will list most recently modified files

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Good call. I don’t think this would be rendered as-is on Publish, though—so the user would have to copy+paste the list for readers. Unless I’m mistaken!

(If you do copy+paste the list, I wrote a Templater script to create a list of wikilinks from the clipboard: Paste clipboard into list of wikilinks ¡ Discussion #173 ¡ SilentVoid13/Templater ¡ GitHub)

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Greetings @ryanjamurphy

I took a look at Obsidian a while back for a data-driven web publishing project I am pondering in order to sort/discuss academic literature. I was disappointed initially in some lacking features. This week I came back and have been notably impressed with the advances the in the software over the past 1-2 years. Plus your Vantage plugin is absolutely perfect for the type of data I want to organize/present.

So I was thrilled… until I just realized that neither DataView nor Vantage Search will work with Obsidian Publish.

Your analysis is spot-on regarding the issues involved in “sharing linked thinking.” Clearly you have put a huge amount of effort into improving this part of the web.

That said - as much as I like the idea of “owning” my data on my local computer, perhaps the best solution to all of this is that it needs to be a true web app?

One solution would be for Obsidian to host a web server, similar to what Devonthink does.
But assuming that is unlikely to happen, what are your thoughts on, which supports “linked thinking on the web” right out of the box:

I like the idea of a solution similar to DEVONthink’s web server, but I’m more excited by Publish adding some kind of feed feature. We’ll see if that’ll ever happen!

I haven’t tried Coda, sorry.

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Hello, nice thread!

After some years with a blog on Blot, I discovered Obsidian and fall inn love with Obsidian publish. After few months workin with Obsidian and Obsidian and even less using Obsidian Publish I decided to manual updating an Index page where readers can check in to see when things are new.

My Obsidian Vault is hosted in Dropbox and one of folders inside is my blog on Blot: when I want publish and focus specific content, I publish it in Blot blog and integrate it in my Publish site if necessary.

have evaluated the possibility of closing the blog on Blot but I love David work and I guess I still need permalink for some contents.

Has external support, I use too… a good way to share to a community and in the same time to collect additional information in both Publish and Blot site (Too bad the lack of “allow-popups” in the Publish iframe code complicates things).



Are there any plugins that can automatically create and update Index pages?

Dataview+Templater could do this. It’s a bit involved to set up.