Setting a default file location within Canvas to save files when using 'Convert to file...'

Loving the new Canvas feature, however I have one bugbear.

If I have a card in canvas and convert the card to a file the file is created in the root directory of my vault. If I move the file within the vault the connection within the canvas is lost.
It asks me if I want to create a new file or swap it.

That means updating the canvas and finding the file. Annoying.

I would like it to be possible to specify a default folder where cards converted to files were stored.

(Even better would be if the canvas tracked moved files as well, but that would be an additional feature request.)


Yes, this! I came to this forum to suggest this, but found your suggestion instead.

I also find it quite annoying that all the new files I create from the canvas go in my regular note inbox. It would be great to be able to configure a directory for each canvas.