hestmatematik said:
“But the perfect companion feature to that would be the ability to edit the filename of the embed/attachment on the spot, right there while writing in edit mode itself (and maybe inherit the name of the file with a numerical suffix as the default option).”
Yes! Especially the ‘inherit the name of the file’ bit. This would be ideal.
Example: for a note called “bug in data section”
here is a line of text.
1st pasted image: auto named [[bug in data section 01.jpg]]
another line of the text
2nd pasted image: auto named [[bug in data section 02.png]]
And you can always give it a different title within your md:
[[bug in data section 01.jpg | new title]]
Not quite totally implemented, but it’s a nice progress !
As I understand it, there is still no way of naming the image subfolder after the current note.
Very disappointing. That’s the feature I was just searching for in Obsidian and it’s not implemented it seems. If I have 50 .md notes in a folder, I don’t want all of my images comingling in 1 place. I want them separated by the notes names.