Selectively enable/disable autocompletion on codeblocks

Currently obsidian auto-completion/suggestion (for tags and links) works within all codeblocks.


While it makes sense on textual blocks, like the one handled by admonition plugin, or query blocks, like the ones handled by obsidian tasks or dataview, it can be quite annoying on pure code codeblocks (python, c, and so on).

It would be nice to selectively disable the autosuggestion on code-containing codeblocks.


Merged with:

Use case or problem

When writing in code blocks and you write star or underscore it automatically puts there another star or underscore which in my opinion should only put there when the code block is Markdown and not other language (like c++, python, c# and so on) since these 2 characters are used in programming (star for pointers and dereference of pointers)
I noticed that other formatting characters like ~ or = don’t do this so this might actually be a bug.
And this only happens in the multiline code blocks not in the inline code blocks.

Proposed solution

Add an option in settings to disable it or as i mentioned turn it on in code blocks that have Markdown as a language.